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WORKSAFEBC'S Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1, 2 & 3 and Transport Endorsement

The purpose of occupational first aid is to provide workers with prompt, easily accessible, and appropriate first aid treatment and to keep a record of each treatment.

Depending on the workplace, some or all of the following are needed to accomplish this:

  • Occupational first aid attendants with the appropriate level of training
  • Facilities such as first aid rooms or dressing stations
  • First aid boxes or kits with the appropriate types and quantities of supplies
  • Record keeping system
  • Appropriate means of transporting an injured worker to a first aid facility or a hospital
  • Effective means of communication between first aid attendants and workers who may need their help
All Certificates have a 3 yr. duration 
Occupational First Aid Level 1 (Basic) $115
8.30a.m - 4.30 pm (8 hrs)  
   In this course each participant will be able to demonstrate the Priority Action Approach for the responsive and unresponsive patients.  They will also be able to identify and perform appropriate interventions for minor soft tissue injuries, including the need for medical referral, providing follow-up care and be able to accurately complete the required First Aid Record. This will include specific management of lacerations, eye injuries, burns, and workplace poisoning.
    As well each participant will identify and manage respiratory and circulatory critical interventions for responsive and unresponsive patients.  Bleeding interventions and various medical emergencies will also be covered.

All procedures will follow the guidelines described in the Occupational First Aid Level 1 Training Guide.                                          

Photo ID is required.
Max class size 18
Certificate: 3 yr                      
Occupational First Aid Intermediate (Level 2)...  $225.00
This is a two day course is designed to teach first aid attendants advanced first aid techniques to sustain life until paramedics arrive.
Certificate 3 yrs B.C.
Work Safe B.C. Level 3 (Advanced)  $900 
70hrs of class time                                                                                                                                                      
This course is designed for first aid attendants in industry who are located in remote worksites or with large workplaces more than 20 minutes from medical aid.
Successful participants will be qualified to work as a WorkSafeBc OFA Level 3 first aid attendant.
OFA Level 3 meets the requirements for the Canada Labour Code (Advanced First Aid) and the Alberta Human Services OH&S Policy (advanced first aid).
Course Content Includes the following:
Priority Action Approach to the Injured worker.
Patient positioning and patient packaging.
Basic skills:
(Jaw Trust, Oral Airways, Suctioning, Pocket Mask, BVM, CPR/AED and  02 Therapy)
Cardiac Emergencies
Shock and Bleeding
Medical Emergencies
Major and Minor injury management
and more....
Certificate 3 yrs. B.C.
Pre-reading recommended
Transportation Endorsement  (TE )  $115
8.30am-4.30pm         8hrs                                                                                                                                                     
This course is supplemental to OFA-Level 1 (or equivalent). The instruction will provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to transport ill or injured workers to medical aid.
Age 16  yrs                                                                                                                                                                            
Class size12 students
Certificate 3yrs. Valid only if Level 1 is current